About the Prince Claus Chair
The objective of the Prince Claus Chair is to continue the work of Prince Claus (1926-2002) in development and equity by establishing a rotating Chair.
Since the Chair was established in January 2003, founding institutes Utrecht University and the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam have alternately appointed an outstanding young academic from a developing country to the Prince Claus Chair. The objective is to advance research and teaching in the field of equity and development.
A candidate for the Chair will be nominated by the Curatorium. As of 10 June 2021 the Curatorium is chaired by Professor Bert Koenders. He succeeded Professor Louise Gunning-Schepers who was chair since 20 May 2014.
H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands serves as the Patron of the Prince Claus Chair, after having served as the Curatorium’s first chair in 2003-2014.

Inaugural lecture/event of prof. Mansoob, 12 May 2003, Utrecht University, Prof S. Mansoob Murshed, HM Queen Beatrix, HRH Princess Máxima, Jan G.F. Veldhuis, HRH Prince Carlos